Infrastructure engineering
R&D group

Who We Are

We are expert software engineers that develop highly scalable software.

Our job is to solve the most complex software problems required to deal with very high scale while maintaining overall high availability. Very often off the shelf products break at our scale, so we constantly create new frameworks to overcome this.

Infrastructure Engineering R&D develops reliable, stable and robust data pipes and a cutting edge real time multi petabyte data platform. 

We also develop caching frameworks, monitoring frameworks (handling more than 100M metrics / minute) and multiple optimization tools. To do this, we are utilizing very deep knowledge about how the OS interacts with the hardware and how the JVM and compilers affect this.   

We are also responsible for developing a cutting edge release platform, allowing the Taboola R&D to develop quickly and safely release new software into live production systems many times per day.  

Now that's what we call scale!

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unique users / month
M metrics / min
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page views / day
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By the way, we are hiring! these are our available jobs!

What We Do

Platform Engineering

We even have a meetup group dedicated to our team – check it out! #scalegineering

Would you like to get to know us better?

We’re always looking for top talents so if you want to tell us about yourself, fill in this form.